lundi 8 août 2016

Healthy afternoon snack

A thing about me is that I'm always hungry! I constantly need food and often, I tend to go towards junk food because it's easy, but then you end up feeling shit and still super hungry.

So here is a yummy snack I tried today and proudly made myself!

Green Fruit Boost Smoothie recipe (fancy name here)
For 1 small glass
- 1/2 a banana
- 1/2 a green apple
- 1/2 a kiwi
- coconut water

Chocolate spread
- 2 bars of chocolate
- 1 teaspoon of cream cheese

In a bowl, add a tablespoon of water to the chocolate and microwave for 1 minute.
Then add the teaspoon of cream cheese, stir, spread on rice cakes and voilà!

Add some grapes and almonds, and you have a nice and healthy treat!

Helly Jo

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